Saturday, May 16, 2009

kaka denied the issue of moving to real madrid

Bosco Leite statement on Ac Milan's official website, officially deny the issue of Kaka ,who is said in some spanish newspaper, have already accepted the pre-contract offered by florentino perez.

here is the full story :

BOSCO LEITE: "No agreement with Real Madrid, Kaká is very tied to Milan"
5/16/2009MILAN - Contrary to what was said on some information sources today, Bosco Leite, father and representing lawyer of the footballer Kaká, communicates that: "There is no agreement with Real Madrid, and there's no truth to the claim that the player has already signed a contract with the Spanish club. Kaká remains concentrated on the last matches of the season and remains very tied to Milan. Any piece of information on the player's career is only to be considered official and credible if it comes through his representative or through Milan. Any other source of information is to be considered inaccurate."

source :

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rinjani to erupt

I live in beautiful Lombok island, and as we know all, Mount Rinjani, the only mountain in Lombok, is the 2nd highest volcanic mountain in Indonesia, and recently shows some symptoms of erupting, in this case, the bad boy is not the rinjani itself, but her son, whose name, mount Barujari. mount barujari itself is located perfectly on the segara anak lake, just like a baby in arms of his mother, in normal situation, barujari add the beauty of his mother (Rinjani), the scenerey from plawangan sembalun (the last point before do summit attack) is quite asthonishing, the segara anak lake combined with barujari is the memorable scenery for everyone who have witness their beauty. but for now, the bad boy is getting mad, since the last time erupt at 2004, it's quite a long time for him to show his activity again. and what make this eruption unique is the way it's erupt not from the "main" way, but from the flank that so far i saw as an ornament that add the handsomeness of this boy, but, i never imagine that it's a truly hole that is can be used to sphew debris, dust, lava, or smoke.

in the clear morning view, from mataram, we can see it's smoke blowing up to the sky, but, for now, the label for this activity still not high alert but just low activity, lets hope there's nothing bad gonna be happen in this beautiful island.

and now i know, that barujari is kinda tempramental boy, wow.. better off not making trouble to him before it's become too late.. :)
ps : too bad, there's still newpaper or webpage tell the news of this story recently, so i just can convey to you what i see, what i hear directly.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Green Tea Milkshake

Perkenalkan, minuman terenak di dunia saat ini (menurut gw), Greentea Milkshake, jujur gw baru nyobain ini minuman tadi malem, walopun udah lama tau, tapi menurut gw juga agak jarang sih minuman ini disajikan di resto-resto, ato kedai-kedai yang ada, seenggaknya di kota gw yang kecil ini, ada kedai makanan jepun yang baru buka, di menu beveragenya disediakan aneka milkshake, salah satunya greentea, karena gw lagi bosen sama buah-buahan, kenapa ngga gw coba kan, ternyata rasanya emang unik, enak tapi bener-bener "diluar patron" milkshake yang selama ini pernah gw rasain, seenggaknya gw cerita ini berdasarkan greentea milkshake yang pernah gw rasain tadi malem, warna ijo muda, agak kentel, rasanya perpaduan lembutnya es krim vanilla sama pahitnya green tea yang khas, bikin sensasi baru di lidah gw, jadi nagih kita dibuatnya. sayang gw ga bawa kamera, jadi ga bisa mengabadikan gambar minuman ini, sekalian deh, gw googling resep minuman ini n share ke temen-temen, ya buat gw juga, kali aj gw ntar pingin bikin sendiri. tapi ga tau kenapa, agak susah nemu greentea milkshake ini di google, terutama resepnya, ga ada satupun yang membahas minuman surgawi ini secara mendalam, korek-korek isi web orang, akhirnya nemu juga satu resep yang menurut gw paling valid. hmm.. paling enak diminum abis main bola / futsal...kayaknya kalo diantara temen-temen ada yang usaha kedai dan sejenisnya dan menyajikan aneka minuman jenis milkshake, ga ada salahnya yang satu ini ditambahkan di daftar menu, biar gw kalo jalan-jalan ga kesulitan nemuin minumin "berkhasiat" ini seperti yang gw alamin sekarang.
silakan di cicip .. salam kuliner

Green Tea Milk Shake

Bahan :
- 150 ml air

- 100 gr gula pasir

- 3 sdm teh hijau bubuk

- 500 ml susu cair

- 700 ml es krim rasa vanillaEs

- batu secukupnya

Hiasan :
120 ml whipped cream semprot, siap pakai

Cara membuat
- Rebus air bersama gula hingga gula larut

- Matikan api, diamkan hingga hangat- Masukkan teh hijau bubuk, aduk rata, sisihkan hingga dingin

- Masukkan larutan teh hijau, susu cair, es krim vanilidan es batu ke dalam blender- Tuang milk shake ke dalam gelas-gelas saji- Semprotkan whipped cream keatas milk shake, segera sajikan.

recently i adored one kind of beverage that have made me fully fall in love to it, it's a green tea milkshake, for the god's sake i really like this kind of delicacy, the taste is quite unique, the bitterness from green tea is perfectly combined with the smoothness of milk and cream, they're join up into a heavenly good taste beverage. after browsing a while, finally i found a recipe, just check this out.

green tea milk shake

ingredients :
- 150 ml water
- 100 gr sugar
- 3 teaspoon green tea powder
- 500 ml milk
- 700 ml vanilla flavour ice cream
- ice cube

how to make it :
- boil water with sugar, until it mix perfectly
- turn the fire off, let the water cooler, and when it becomes warm, pour green tea powder into, stir and let it cool.
- after it cools, mix it with milk, vanilla ice cream, and ice cube into blender machine, and blend it.
- milkshake ready to serve

Souad Massi - Khallouni

one of my favorite singer, Souad Massi, Algerian-French pop singer, Khallouni. just check this out, hope you enjoy..